Notice on Dual Citizenship
Notice Please note that the Department of Immigration and Emigration of Sri Lanka has not appointed any Agent or Representative to handle Dual Citizenship Applications in whatsoever manner. Further the Department / High Commission/ Consulate General shall not assume any responsibility of the applicants engaging in irregular practices with unauthorized agencies said to be involved in the Dual Citizenship Application process. |
Please note that the Department of Immigration and Emigration has recommenced the granting of Dual Citizenship. For further details please follow the instructions given in the Department of Immigration and Emigration's website.
Important Notice
1. Please note that the Consulate General of Sri Lanka will certify all Sri Lankan originated documents (Birth, Marriage, Education, copies of Passport and all other documents related to dual citizenship application issued by the Sri Lankan authorities/institutions) free of charge. For this purpose the applicant needs to submit/send the originals of such documents along with the photocopies. When sending the documents for certification by Registered Post, please also enclose a self-stamped envelope with the correct postal address to enable the Consulate General of Sri Lanka to return the same by the Registered Post.
2. Please note that the Consulate General of Sri Lanka will follow the normal authentication procedure in respect of all Canadian originated documents such as Canadian Birth, Citizenship, Educational Certificates, Police Clearance Report {Police Criminal Records Check (PCRC)} and copies of Canadian Passport/ Permanent Residence Card. For this purpose, the applicant needs to submit the above documents with authentication by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services, Province of Ontario in Toronto.
Those who reside outside Greater Toronto Area (GTA) are kindly requested to get the above documents authenticated from the Authentication and Service of Documents Section (JLAC) of the Department of Foreign Affairs Trade and Development (DFATD) of Canada in Ottawa and submit to Sri Lankan High Commission in Ottawa for proceeding the applications.
If the applicant possesses any foreign originated documents (other than Canadian) such as Birth, Marriage and Educational Certificates, such documents should be submitted to the Consulate General of Sri Lanka with the authentication by the relevant Diplomatic Mission based in Canada.
The Consulate General of Sri Lanka will charge CAD 40.00 for the authentication of each document.
3. The Consulate General of Sri Lanka will also charge CAD 40.00 per application as the Processing Fee.
4.“The applicants are kindly requested to obtain prior appointments from the Consulate General to submit the documents.Contact: 416 323 2161 or 416 323 9133 – Ext. 237 (During the working hours)