The Canada-Sri Lanka Business Council was formed in October 1990, and its board of directors resolved to celebrate their 25th anniversary milestone late this year in the last quarter. At the first board meeting held in April, President Upali Obeyesekere re-iterated the importance of preparing for the 25th anniversary celebrations this year. With the concurrence of the board, the president nominated Vice President Ganesan Sugumar to take over the role of Chair, 25th Anniversary Celebrations and empowered Mr. Sugumar to pick a working committee work out the logistics for the event. A likely date for the special event may be in October or November.
President Upali Obeyesekere also announced the compilation of a "business magazine" by the council. He will spearhead this initiative with the help of a few board members.
Please stay tuned for more details on both these items.